The Engagement Game: Why Your Workplace Culture Should Look More Like a Video Game is a book for people who want to apply lessons from the psychology of video games to being better in the world of work. Take lessons from video games on how to improve:
- Employee engagement
- Goal setting
- Feedback and performance management
- Growth and learning
- Competition and cooperation
- Teamwork and team dynamics
- Organizational culture
This book really combines my knowledge of industrial-organizational psychology (which tries to make work not suck) and the psychology of video games. In many cases, it’s the same principles and theories that are driving our behavior in either case, and I thought it was fun and useful to look at cases where if you know something about how good game design works, you can take that lesson and apply it to the workplace. This book is especially relevant to supervisors, managers, and other leaders, but I think anyone could find it interesting and applicable.
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