When I started this website, I had one basic idea: teach psychological concepts by talking about how they show up in video games. And I’ve pretty much done that. But just as video games can provide great examples of concepts from psychology, they can also illustrate concepts from neighboring fields. Like economics!
In this episode, my guest expert, Andrew Wagner, talks about his new book, The Economics of Online Gaming: A Player’s Introduction to Economic Thinking. In doing so, he walks us through his adventures in using basic knowledge of economics to wreak havoc (and have fun) in a massively multiplayer online game. And what kinds of issues designers of these kinds of games have to take into consideration.

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- Buy the book: The Economics of Online Gaming: A Player’s Introduction to Economic Thinking
- Wagner Road Capital Management
Audio Credits:
- “Robot Motivation” by The Polish Ambassador, licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
- Dispersion Relation by Kevin MacLeod. Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3657-dispersion-relation License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/